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Hydroxyl radicals are the most reactive species in the oxygen species family and are known for their naturally occurring oxidization potential. In wastewater, hydroxyl radicals clean the air of odorous molecules such as the infamous rotten egg smell (hydrogen sulfide – H2S) that seeps out of lift stations, pump stations, wet wells, holding tanks and more.

Hydroxyl radicals have a short lifespan and dissipate immediately so, in order for hydroxyls radicals to effectively eliminate odorous molecules, they need to be consistently dispersed at the source of the odor. Consequently, if hydroxyl radicals are produced too early or too late, and are not being regenerated, odors will not be remediated. Vapex has overcome the complexities of hydroxyl radical generation in wastewater by creating the first hydroxyl radical vapor phase treatment. Vapex units produce hydroxyl radicals by combining ozone, water and air through a patented air atomizing nozzle. The nozzle is enclosed within the wastewater application where the odor is most potent and immediately releases a mist filled with hydroxyl radicals that instantaneously attack the odorous molecules inside of the application. In addition to odors, the Vapex nozzle’s high spraying capabilities, allows the hydroxyl radical mist to treat up 42,000 ft3. The continuous generation of hydroxyl radicals in the wastewater application also prevents buildup from fats, oils, and grease and decreases the rate of corrosion.

For a more detailed explanation of our hydroxyl radical vapor phase treatment, we recommend reading (link) this study done by the University of Central Florida that confirms the creation of hydroxyl radicals through Vapex Technology.

If you have a question on hydroxyl radicals or our technology you can contact us by filling out this form (link).